Step 2: Please enter your contact details
Step 3: Please tell us some basic details about your business
Step 4: Please tell us about your location and how your work with clients
Will you rent a room or commercial premises to see clients at?
Will clients visit you or do you travel to see clients?
Step 5: Please tell us about your staffing
Will you have other staff who see clients
Will you have any admin or reception staff
If you answered YES to "other staff" and will have contractors, please select how many contractors
If you answered YES to "other staff" and will have employees seeing clients, please select number of
Step 6: Are you contracting to another worksite?
Step 7: If you are seeing clients at your own practise instead of contracting to another site, tell us about your appt types each week and intended charge out rates
Please provide a breakdown of the weekly billable appointments and their $ type and rate
Step 8: If there is any other intial information you'd like us to know?
Step 9: Submit form by clicking Go to Checkout below
After completing the above questions:
1. Click on "Go to Checkout" below
2. Enter your payment details
After that our team will review your form submission and build your draft version of the employee profit and costs calculator report and email a PDF to you along with a custom video explaining the report and calculation outcomes and provide you with an opportunity for a second version of the report based on your feedback and changes. Price of this service includes phone and email support and multiple versions of the analysis report.